
Power of the Ring: Ch. 5

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Chapter 5: Betrayal Most Foul

Darrian's thoughts were still on the mabari as he rejoined Alistair, Ser Jory and Daveth around Duncan's campfire.

"Did it go well?" Duncan asked.

"We should tell you about the.."Darrian broke out in a smile as he spoke, his eyes darting towards Daveth "witch."

"Yes, we ran into two rather strange people in the Wilds, they said they were protecting the treaties." Alistair said, handing the treaties over to Duncan.

"Where they Chasind?"

"No.. they didn't seem to be. I think they were apostates."

"Alistair. I know you have templar training, but you are one no longer. You shouldn't concern yourself with illegal mages."

Alistair sighed. "Yes, I know Duncan.."

"Now, that we have the blood we can start the Joining. The Circle Mages have been preparing all day." Duncan said solemnly, glancing at the recruits.

"What can you tell us about the joining now?" Darrian asked.

Duncan turned his eyes to Darrian, looking more serious than he had ever looked, which was quite the feat considering that Duncan was a serious man. He carefully explained the dangers of the Joining, without actually coming out and saying what the dangers were exactly.  Darrian's eyes grew wider as Duncan spoke.

"You mean... it can kill us...?" Darrian asked, quite surprised.

"That is why the Joining is kept secret." Duncan said grimly.

"I'm more anxious to see this Joining now." Daveth said, smirking.

"I as well." Ser Jory agreed, though not as confidently.

"Than let us begin. Alistair, take them to the old temple. I will meet you there."

Soon, they were gathered in an odd circular space, paved with the smooth gray stones Darrian had come to associate with Ostagar. A short stone pillar sat in the center of the space, and ontop of it was the biggest goblet Darrian had ever seen.  He was certain the opening of the cup was as wide as his face.  

"We.. have to drink the blood..?" Ser Jory said, taking a step backwards, sounding terrified.

"It is what allows us to sense their presence." Duncan replied. "Alistair, if you would."

Alistair mumbled some words that were apparently said since the first Joining, though Darrian paid it little mind. He was watching Ser Jory's face as the color left it little by little. Surely the shemlen didn't expect something simple? Did he expect being a Warden was like being a knight? Hmph. Shemlen.

"Daveth, step forward."

Darrian watched as Daveth stepped forward, looking mildly curious.  The shemlen raised the goblet to his lips and took a slow sip.  The reaction was almost immediate.  As Duncan eased the goblet away, Daveth let out a painful cry, his body seizing and falling to the cold stone floor.

"I am sorry Daveth." Duncan spoke kindly, than turned his attention towards Jory as

Darrian continued to stare at Daveth. I guess he wasn't joking... It can kill you. I wonder if Daveth believed in the Maker... If so, I hope that he is by his side now.

"You ask too much! I can not do this!" Ser Jory's panicked voice pulled Darrian's attention just in time for the elf to see the knight backing away looking terrified while brandishing his weapon at an approaching Duncan. "I have a wife! Heavy with child.. I cannot!"

Without putting the goblet down, Duncan unsheathed his own weapon easily parrying Ser Jory's shaky strike. The elder Warden than shoved his shoulder into the knight's chest, burying his dagger hilt deep between Ser Jory's ribs. "I am sorry."

Alistair turned away, wincing, and Duncan approached Darrian.

The elf took the goblet in his hands with more confidence than he felt.  The noxious fumes hit his nose and he had to fight the urge to gag. I'm gonna die. How heroic.

Deciding not to give himself a second more to ponder his fate, Darrian raised the foul smelling liquid to his lips and took a large gulp. If it was possible, it tasted worse than it smelled, though he did not have time enough to linger on that thought.  Pain coursed through his body, and he felt his muscles seize. Darrian wanted to cry out, find a way to express this terrible feeling, but his voice would not come, it was as though his throat had swelled shut. Terrible visions of a dark, demonic looking dragon crying out to a darkspawn horde came flooding his mind.  He was not aware of the moment he collapsed, nor did he think the terrible visions would end until his eyes flickered open and he saw Duncan and Alistair leaning over him.

"Did you have nightmares? I had terrible nightmares after my Joining." Alistair said with a concerned tone that Darrian ignored.  The elf fought his way to his feet, shaking off the lingering pain of that terrible drink.

"I'm glad I only  have to do that once.." Darrian grumbled, rubbing his temple with two fingers.

"As far as you know!" Alistair let out a michevious cackle for which Darrian shot him a piercing look. "Kidding, KIDDING!"

"If you two are quite finished?" Duncan asked with a disapproving tone.

"Yes, sorry Duncan." Alistair apologized looking abashed.

"Now. Darrian, King Cailan has asked that you come and attend the war meeting this evening." Duncan announced much to Darrian's surprise.

"Wait.. Why?" Darrian asked suspiciously, wondering if he would be made to fetch map scrolls or dust off the tables.

"I am not sure, but you should attend as soon as you are able." Duncan than nodded to both of them, than left to prepare for the meeting.

"Wonder why he didn't want to see you? You're more of a warden than I am." Darrian glanced at Alistair.  

"Dunno. Maybe he wanted someone to make rude comments and overreact to everything he says?" Alistair responded with a shrug.

Darrian's eyes narrowed, taking a step towards the shemlen. "Or perhaps he wanted someone with a bit of sense in his brain that could produce thoughts that were fully his own and not just spout forth the Chantry's brainwashed drabble!"

Alistair took a step forward as well, and soon the two were within inches of each other, with their locked eyes emitting fierce glares that seemed to set off sparks of disapproval.

"After all.. He does have enough lackeys, doesn't he?" Darrian continued, unable to set a filter between his brain and his mouth. The day had been simply exhausting, and the elf was tired of it.  Alistair's eyes grew red and his fist tightened at his side. A moment later, the shemlen reared back and that fist landed square on Darrian's jaw. The elf was sent flying, landing with a resounding thud against the cold stone.

Darrian sat up, rubbing his jaw as he watched Alistair looking down at his own fist in astonishment.

"Oh..Oh man I'm sorry..." Alistair began, kneeling down to see if Darrian was all right.  The elf smirked.

"You have a nice right hook. Its gonna leave quite a bruise." Darrian patted Alistair on the shoulder. "Feel better?"

Alistair's cheeks flushed. "Sort of." He mumbled.

"Good." Darrian got to his feet, dusting off the back of his breeches. "Now.. I've got to get to a meeting. And maybe find something cold to lay on my face." Darrian chuckled, waving to Alistair as he walked off.

I've really got to watch what I say. I'm not in the Alienage. These aren't the people of Denerim. He rubbed his jaw again. This'll be a fine reminded to shut my trap.

Since there was some time before the war meeting was set to start, Darrian wandered the camp a bit more, finding his way to the kennels. The mabari he had helped was up on his feet and barked excitedly at his approach. The houndsmaster was nowhere to be seen so Darrian settled himself in the dirt outside of the kennel and squeezed his hands through the bars to pat the mabari on the snout.

"Did you miss me?" Darrian asked, scratching the mabari behind an ear.  The mabari responded with a soft bark than licked the elf's fingers. "I've got a treat for you, boy. Its not too tasty, but its tough. You can chew on it for awhile."

Darrian removed his hands to dig in his pack, bringing out a sizable chunk of jerky that he shoved between the bars. The mabari gave out a joyous bark and began to gnaw on the meat.

"Where did you come from boy? Your master was good to you?" Darrian asked, watching the hound chew. "I bet you thought of him as a friend, not a master. That's what I hear about mabari. Did you get to run the Wilds?"

The mabari stopped chewing long enough to give an affirmative bark. Darrian's ears perked.

"Really? You did? That's great. I just got back from the Wilds earlier today. It was magnificent. The smells, the twisted trees, the howls of the wolves.." Darrian said wistfully as he leaned against the kennel's fence. The mabari took a break from chewing and laid its head on its paws, closing its eyes and listening to Darrian's voice.

"I met a witch. Have you ever met a witch? I suppose you wouldn't know. They don't usually introduce themselves as such." Darrian smiled slightly. "She was. . . beautiful.  I've seen beauty before.. Even in the Alienage. Its not easily noticable, but its there. She was just. .  more than that. Cunning. Strong. Yet whimsical. Are all witches like that?"
The mabari opened one eye and gave a slight shrug.

"You're right. Probably not." Darrian picked up a stone and began to turn it over in his hand. "Don't think I'll get to go back to the Wilds again.. Except for tomorrow.. The battle and all that. Did I tell you? I'm a Warden now!"

"Woof!" The mabari responded in approval.

"I know, a worthy goal, isn't it? But don't worry.. I'm gonna come back after the battle. You're my friend. I'm not going to abandon you." Darrian's eyes filled with sadness as he remembered the look in Shianni's eyes when he had told her good bye.  The hurt tone of Nesiara's dismissal. The unspoken words between Darrian and his father.  I'm not going to abandoned anyone again. They needed me.. Counted on me.. And I let them down. He sighed. Maybe Soris will come into his own now... be the elf he's always been too afraid to be.

Sensing Darrian's distress, the mabari slumped against the fence and gave a pitiful whine.

"Thanks boy. You've already been more of a friend than I deserve." Darrian patted the dog one more time before standing. "Unfortunately, the king wants to see me, for Maker knows what. Stay safe. Promise me?"

"Rauff!"The mabari responded before going back to gnawing the jerky.

"I'll take that as a yes." Darrian smirked, dusted himself off again. How do I always get so dirty? Its a shame... These pants were green once.. I think? Or where they gray? Maker I can't remember..

Realizing he was running a bit behind, Darrian broke out into a run heading to the appointed spot.  Duncan was already there, leaning over a map with King Cailan and a broody looking fellow with greasy black hair and cold steel armor.

"Yes, Yes. I remember. After the beacon is lit, your men move to flank the darkspawn." King Cailan was saying to the greasy haired shemlen, looking up when he heard Darrian approaching. "Ah, the new recruit! I hear congratulations are in order?"

Darrian bit his tongue and merely nodded.

"I'm sure the Wardens will prosper with you in their ranks." Cailan said approvingly. He than turned back to the map. "Now, who will light the beacon?"

"I have a few of my men stationed there..." The greasy haired shemlen began, his voice harsh and distrustful.

"No. With a task this important, we should leave it to the Wardens. Send ...." Cailan looked at Darrian, obviously seeking his name.

"Darrian." The elf supplied helpfully.

"Darrian. Yes. Thank you." The king nodded. "Send Darrian and Alistair to light the beacon."

"Your Majesty, you rely on these Wardens too much..." The steel armored man spat, narrowing his eyes in Darrian's direction.

"And your lack of trust is pitiful!" Darrian shouted suddenly, causing Cailan and Duncan to look quite shocked. "Its what Wardens do, isn't it? Fight the blight? Has been for centuries! Has a blight ended WITHOUT the Wardens?! NO!  So the king has every right and reason to believe in us, and to get that respect in return!"

Duncan placed a hand on Darrian's shoulder, calming him but looking rather pleased. "As intrusive as that was, the lad is right. We Wardens will do this."

"Good!" Cailan glanced at Darrian and offered him a small smile which the elf returned, looking abashed.

The battle meeting ended soon after that. Darrian and Duncan began to walk slowly back to Duncan's tent.

"You are quite brazen. Speaking out against Loghain like that." Duncan mentioned, sounding amused.

"Loghain?" Darrian asked, not having known who that man was. "You mean Loghain Mac Tir?" His face began to blanch.

"Indeed. The very one who helped King Maric save Ferelden from the Orlesian rule."

"And I just tried to tell him what's what... Maker I'm a fool.." Darrian sighed.

"You also stood up to me, if you recall. Not knowing who I was." Duncan said fondly.

"Yes. I remember." Darrian said smirking slightly. "I was this close to kicking you in the shins too."

Duncan raised an eyebrow. "Just a kick to the shins?"

"Well.. You did have weapons." Darrian shrugged. "I doubt I could of accomplished much else without being overpowered."

"Smart lad." Duncan smiled. His eyes flickered to the bruise on Darrian's chin. "Try to get along with Alistair, won't you? You two are not so different."

Darrian mumbled in assent.

Alistair was waiting for them when they arrived back at the tent.

It took Duncan only moments to fill Alistair in on the King's plan before Alistair protested. "I won't be in the battle? Duncan.."

"It is the King's choice." Duncan insisted in a tone that left no room for arguments.

"Fine. But if the King asks me to put on a dress and dance the remigold, I'm drawing the line." Alistair insisted.

"You don't have the right legs for a dress. At least not for a short one.  I know some good tailors. Maybe you can get a long gown made?" Darrian offered helpfully.

"You're not helping." Alistair whined.

"Where is this beacon, Duncan?" Darrian asked, ignoring Alistair's whines.

"In the Tower of Ishal, on the other side of the bridge. Alistair will know the signal to light the beacon."

Darrian nodded."We leave tomorrow?"

"Before the sun." Duncan nodded. "Rest well. You will need it."

Though he tried to go to sleep like a good little Warden, Darrian could not sleep. He could hear Alistair's echoing snores a few feet away, and he envied the shemlen's ability to fall asleep so quickly. Instead, Darrian slipped out of his bedroll and went for a moonlit walk. He found the gate to the Wilds left open wide enough for him to squeeze though, so he did, not really thinking about his actions.

He was smart enough, however, to not travel into the Wilds, he just settled himself on a log by the edge and he gazed up at the luminous moon above. Darrian did not notice the golden eyed owl that settled into a tree nearby, focusing its intense gaze on the solitary Warden.

Sure that he was alone, Darrian slipped off his leather jerkin and began to appraise the bandages on his shoulder.  He knew a bit of poultices, though not much, but had managed to fight off the infection he had dreaded earlier. The elf deftly removed his bandages than reapplied a sweet smelling salve.  He moved in shoulder in small circles, making sure it wasn't getting stiff, and than reapplied the bandages.  Fresh bandages would have to wait until after the battle tomorrow and he could get his hands on some fresh linens.

Darrian let out a heavy sigh as a wolf howled in the distance. "Shianni.. Soris.." He mumbled. "I'm sorry..." Tried as he might, he could not shake the feeling that he had disappointed them, despite the smiles that had given him. He had arrived at the estate too late. He had put Soris in danger with his brazenness.  He only hoped that he would be able to go back to Denerim one day, just to see them. Hah. They'd likely  ask if I failed as a Warden. No, they expect me not to come back. I'm dead to them.

Hooooooo... The owl hooted, almost comfortingly.

The elf stood, shrugging into his leather jerkin again, and giving the Wilds one more hungry glance. Wild and free. I wonder what it would of been like, to be born into that kind of life.


Darrian and Alistair woke earlier, getting into their armor quickly and strapping on their weapons. The air was tense this morning as soldiers scrambled about, getting into formation and running last minute errands.  The two Wardens hardly shared a word as the battle began, but both of their hearts felt heavy as they made their way to the bridge that seperated the Tower of Ishal from the King's camp.

"Come on. Just across this bridge, right?" Darrian tried to keep his voice steady as he summed up the impossiblity of that task. Huge fiery rocks were being catapulted onto the bridge, causing it to shake underfoot as the two Wardens made their way across. Darrian had taken the lead, being the swifter of the two.

"Augh! I'm on FIRE!" Alistair yelled after they jumped out of the way of the last catapulted stone. He was kicking with his right leg, which had caught fire. Darrian rolled his eyes.

"Than put it out! You have a waterskin!" He yelled over the chaotic noise around them.

"Oh! That's right!" Alistair agreed, sounding relieved. A moment later he was no longer on fire and they had made it across the bridge.

Alistair's face turned grim. "Darkspawn.. They aren't supposed to be this far in.." His voice trailed off at they came up to the tower.  The Tower of Ishal stood mostly intact, unlike the rest of the ruins, but the splendor of it was marred by the presence of the filthy little darkspawn around its base.  A guardsman ran out to them as they arrived.
"They're in the tower!" He cried, looking terrified.

"What?! Why? They shouldn't be there!" Alistair insisted.

"You want me to tell them to leave?" Darrian asked, smirking grimly as he unsheathed his weapons. "Nicely?"

"Nicely for you is like a boot to the face. So yes." Alistair agreed, brandishing his sword and shield.

With the help of the guard and a Circle Mage, the two Wardens made their way to the tower and than to its upper floors.  It had taken what seemed like ages to clear the tower of its darkspawn infection, but the task had been done and no one seemed worse for wear.  On the floor level with the beacon they came upon a frightening creature. It stood talled than most houses within the Alienage, and smelled most foul. Huge horns curved back from its monstrous head and its body seemed to be made of nothing but muscles.

"What in the Maker.." Darrian muttered, partial transfixed until the beast came charging at him and he was thrown against a wall by its brutish head.

The ensuing battled moved in unison with the sounds of battle coming from the battlefield below. A hefty clang on Alistair's shield as he blocked a blow that would of surely beheaded him matched the clashing of steel of Ferelden blades against darkspawn steel. The chant-like mutterings of the Circle Mage merged in with the heavy chanting of the Circle mages below. The flash of fire produced by the lone Circle mage a mere echo of the flood of flames produced by the group as a whole. Darrian himself moved in time with the savagery of the Mabari War hounds as they were released upon the Horde. His daggers cutting into the beast's flesh as the hounds dug their teeth into their relentless foes.
The beast eventually fell, due to Alistair working up one last ounce of strength and leaping onto the beast's chest, embedding his blade deep with in its neck, and riding it down as it collapsed.

"The beacon. We've surely missed the signal." Alistair said as he took his blade from the corpse and looked glanced around.  It took Darrian only a few moments to locate the beacon, and he quickly lit it. He and Alistair than moved to the great windows and gazed out onto the battlefield, expecting to see a great charging of men.

The darkspawn kept advancing, and the King's army was failing. Just as the realization that no charge was coming the door to the room they were in burst open and the area flooded with darkspawn.  Blades clashed, arrows flew, both Wardens collapsed under the pressure the darkspawn presented.

Luck was not on their side....

A fierce cry broke the air, and as both Wardens lay unconcious, awaiting their deaths, they were seized by giant talons and spirited away from the overwheleming odds.

Or was it...?
Power of the Ring : Chapter Five

Betrayal Most Foul!

and a Mabari! <3
© 2011 - 2024 Myridd
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