
Power of the Ring: Ch. 9

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Chapter Nine : Of Dwarves and Kings..

They found a good campsite near the edge of Lake Calenhad.  Darrian had decided to go to Orzammar first, the home of the dwarves, and ask for their aid.  He didn't really have much of a reason for that decision, but he didn't really need one.
Once the tents were erected and food was gathered, Sten proved to be a worthwhile hunter and showed Darrian some tricks, Leliana approached Darrian with a disapproving frown on her face.

Maker. What does she want... Darrian sighed, poking at the venison cooking in the pan.

"I want to speak with you." She said simply, sitting down besides Darrian, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down her nose at him, obviously disapproving.

"You should take lessons from Morrigan. She has a much better superiority face, Sister." Darrian commented, only glancing at Leliana before looking back at the food, flipping the meat to make sure it didn't burn.

"Wh-What... Never mind." Leliana was momentarily startled, she shook her head to regain her composure. "I want to know why you threatened the Reverend Mother."

"I don't have to answer to you, do I?" Darrian said idly, not really wanting to participate in this conversation. "And didn't you ask Alistair this? I thought his answer sufficed."

"Yes. Alistair did give me what he thought were your reasonings." Leliana frowned, tucking that annoying little braid in her hair behind her ear. "I want to make sure he isn't blindly following you because he had no one else to follow."

Darrian narrowed his eyes as he turned to Leliana. "Don't speak about Alistair like that. He has a mind, he knows what he's doing. If he doesn't wish to share every thought with you, than that's his damn business. Keep your shemlen nose out of it."

Leliana looked put off, but snapped back, raising her voice. "He speaks of you with respect, though he doesn't agree with your choices. I will not understand this. Will you go through any means to reach your ends?"

Darrian suddenly stood up, staring down hard at the Chantry Sister. "Yes."

"You selfish bastard! The Reverend Mother was a good woman! A kind woman!"

"You only see what your pathetic shemlen eyes want you to see. Yes, I am a bastard. But no, I am not selfish. There are many sides to a die, Sister. Its the same with people." Darrian snapped back. "She was not kind to Sten. She was more than willing to  let him get ripped apart by the darkspawn."

"Yes, but his crime.."

"She was not so kind to the Grey Wardens, believing the propaganda that the greasy bastard is spreading around like shit!"

"She has to worry about all her people..."

"And what of you, Chantry Sister?" Darrian asked in a mocking tone. "You asked to follow
me. If you disagree with me, than you can take your pale shemlen ass back to Lothering."

"No, the Maker told me to follow you!" Leliana insisted, rising to her feet as well.

"So you'll follow me blindly?" Darrian asked.

"No! That's why I am..."

"Lecturing me. Yes. I got that." Darrian sighed, putting his face in his hands. "I am not a good person. I am not a kind person. I am the product of a harsh life, and I don't believe you are one to judge... Sister." The tone he used for the word Sister was sarcastic.

"What do you mean by that?" Leliana asked, somewhat hesitantly.

"You are obviously no Sister. At least not from any Chantry I have ever been too. You abandoned your people to follow a... and I quote... selfish bastard... on his semi-impossible quest. You use the bow and arrow like a trained hunter, and you have not once called Morrigan an apostate." Darrian pointed out the obvious.

"Not all sisters... And I am just a lay sister. I have taken no vows."

"So you play at being a priest than? Well, no wonder you left. You're awful at it." Darrian replied simply, kneeling down to the pan and scraping the now burnt venison off of the bottom. He threw it to the mabari, who was happy to have something to chew.

"How dare you insult me!"

"And how dare you beg to follow me, than insult me in my camp. I do not need to answer to you. I honestly don't give a damn what you think of me." Darrian shrugged.

"Of all the nerve.." Leliana stalked off, heading to her tent and closing the flap rather roughly.

"You do not play well with others." Alistair said with a smirk as Darrian put a new piece of venison on the pan.

"Its what makes me special." Darrian said with a grin.

"Special. That's one way to put it." Alistair sat down next to Darrian, his brow furrowed.
"... You alright?"

"Course. Yelling at fake priests always brightens my day." Darrian replied, flipping the meat over.

"No, I'm being serious. You've... been brooding. And you haven't talked to Morrigan for most of the day. Look, she's pouting." Alistair pointed in Morrigan's direction. She was sitting by her tent, immersed in a spellbook, but the faint tinge of pink on her cheeks hinted that she might of been looking their way until just moments ago.

Darrian sighed. "Damn it, Alistair." He muttered, looking pleased. "You aren't as dense as you look."

"Its what makes me special." Alistair replied, grinning broadly.

"Special. That's one way to put it." Darrian smirked, and Alistair hit him on the shoulder.

"No using my lines against me. Now come on. What's bothering you?" Alistair asked as Darrian dished out the venison on seperate plates for everyone.

Darrian glanced at Alistair, his brow furrowed, not sure if he wanted to talk about it. However, his mouth opened and he began to speak before he knew what he was saying. "What isn't bothering me?"

"Ah well, that's not really an answer." Alistair pointed out.

"I know. It's just.." Darrian sighed heavily, shaking his head. "It hasn't been easy. You were with the Wardens for what? Six months?"

Alistair nodded. "Give or take."

"I've barely been a Warden for not even a month now. Did Duncan tell you, the circumstances of my.. conscription?" Darrian asked tentatively. Alistair shook his head.

"I didn't think so. He wasn't the type to gossip. I was bethrothed. On my wedding day, the Arl of Denerim's son crashed the ceremony, kidnapped my bride, my Cousin's bride, and my other cousin who was a bridesmaid. Soris, that's my cousin, and I broke into the estate, slaughtered every guard we could find, cutting a bloody path to that bastard's room. We arrived too late. One bridesmaid was killed for resisting.. And Shianni.." Darrian's voice broke, his eyes misting.  

"Shianni... was your... cousin?" Alistair guessed wildly.

Darrian nodded. "She was broken. In tears. The things he must of done to her..." His fists balled up, his nails digging painfully into his palms. "I killed him. I didn't care, all I could see was red. By the time I got back to the Alienage, the guards had been alerted and they arrived soon after I did. I told them I did it. That I did it all. I was going to be imprisoned. Executed. Probably tortured. But Duncan stepped in. He saved me from that fate because he said he saw something in me." Darrian smiled fondly. "....Its a shame I never got to ask him what it was..."

Alistair gave Darrian an sympathetic glance. "Duncan was like that. He believed in people."

Darrian nodded. "He believed in you too, didn't he? Rescuing you from the Chantry?"

Alistair smiled. "Yes."

They both sat there in quiet for a time, eating their food but not really tasting it. The mabari came over, laying his head on Darrian's lap, drooling on his breeches. Darrian smiled, and scratched the mabari behind the ears. A light lit in the elf's eyes and he turned to Alistair. "Did I tell you, what I decided to name him?"

Alistair shook his head, his mouth full of deer meat.

"Duncan. I've decided to name him Duncan." Darrian said a matter of factly as he patted the mabari on the nose.

Alistair's eyes welled up with tears, and he threw his arms around the elf.  Darrian looked quite uncomfortable with this. "Hey.. Let go. Damn it, Alistair, let go!" Darrian pushed Alistair off. "What in the Maker was that for?"

"That's.. a great way to remember him... Sorry.. was caught up a bit in the moment." Alistair grinned.

"Be caught up in the moment over there. You smell like darkspawn guts." Darrian said wrinkling his nose.

"I should take a bath.. But I'm beginning to think I can fell our foes with my stench!"

"If you don't fell me first!"

Soon, both Wardens were chuckling as if they were old friends.  Dinner was eaten quickly,
Alistair having to bring Leliana her plate because Darrian refused to go near her.  After eating, Darrian stood up and stretched. "I'll be back. Gonna take a bath." He told Sten, who had first watch. The Qunari merely nodded. Strange fellow. Hardly says a word. Hey, at least he doesn't harp at me. That's a nice change.

As he headed over the slight hill towards the dark waters of Lake Calanhad, he heard footsteps behind him. Soft steps that he recognized immediately. He turned and smirked.
"Morrigan. Hoping to catch me in the midst of my bath? Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I haven't gotten to the water yet." He jested.

The corners of Morrigan's mouth twitched upwards in a smile. " You might not believe it, I simply wished to talk." Her tone of voice became softer, more inviting, as she continued.
"Though now that you mention it, I suppose I should of slowed my steps."

Darrian turned away quickly, to hide the fierce red flush that had crept to his face.

"You've been distant, Darrian. I wish to know why." She moved to stand beside him, crossing her arms and tilting her head slightly to the side as she did so.

Darrian stared at his feet, trying to will away the blush from his ears. "I... The...." He began, than took a deep breath before starting again. "Its been difficult. I've had a lot on my mind and I didn't want to burden you with it."

"Burden me? What am I, some fragile child who cannot handle the ins and outs of Warden life?" Morrigan insisted, looking cross.

"No, that's not it." Darrian turned to her, a slight smile on his lips. "I just.. didn't think you would be interested in the deep emotional shit that goes on in my brain." He admitted.

"Why wouldn't I be? You are our leader." Morrigan stated, than looked surprised by the hurt that filled Darrian's eyes.

"Leader. Yes." He said softly, shaking his head. The elf turned away, only to have his arm caught in Morrigan's grasp.

Morrigan's brow was furrowed when Darrian glanced back at her. " 'Tis not what I meant. Do not look at me like that... it..." She stopped, a faint blush crawling on her cheeks.

"It... it what?" Darrian asked, turning towards her again. "If its not what you meant, than what do you mean?" He than raised his eyesbrow, smiling rather broadly. "Were you
worried about me, Morrigan?"

The witch snatched her hand away, her face fully flushed now. "Of course I was! You... I... Damn it Darrian!"

The elf reached over and took her hands in his. "Will you at least tell me what you're damning me for?"

"For tying my tongue in knots!" Morrigan protested.

"Oh? My hands were never in your mouth, so I don't see how that's possible.." Darrian jested as he pulled her hands to his lips and kissed her fingers. "I promise I won't keep anything fron you anymore, all right?"

Morrigan smiled softly, and simply nodded.

"And I promise to talk to you more than Alistair." Darrian continued. To this, Morrigan smirked.

" 'Tis how it should be." She finally took her hands away.

"Now that we've cleared that up.." Darrian slipped off his armor and stripped the shirt from his back. Morrigan raised a fine brow, watching him.

" And what do you think you are doing?" She asked, somewhat playfully.

"I am going to take a bath. Because I suddenly have the urge to no longer smell like dog shit and death. You're more than welcome to sit about and watch." He winked as he took off his boots as well, tossing them besides his clothes.

"Tempting offer."

"If I didn't smell so badly, I'd really give you a tempting offer." Darrian smirked, placing his hands on his hips, getting ready to slide off his trousers. Morrigan did not move, but watched him, looking amused.  Darrian stopped midmotion. "Look. If a beautiful woman like yourself was going to watch me strip down, I would rather it be when I am quite clean and perhaps smelling like roses." Hr insisted, blushing again.

"Oh all right. Another day perhaps." Morrigan smirked, than began to walk away.  When she was sure he could not see, she brought her hands to her mouth and kissed the fingertips right where Darrian had only minutes earlier.

Maker's breath that woman! Darrian chuckled to himself, finally sliding off his trousers and diving quickly into the late.

"AUGH THAT'S COLD!" He bellowed, thrashing about the water for a moment before he got used to the chill. The elf scrubbed his skin quickly, wanting to get out of the chilly water as soon as possible.

"Maybe I should of asked Morrigan to heat it first..." He mumbled as he pulled himself out of the lake, dried himself, and than dressed.  On his way back to camp, he passed Alistair and Duncan headed for the lake.

"How's the water?" Alistair asked.

"Oh, its lovely." Darrian replied, fighting a laugh. Alistair nodded and soon disappeared over the small hill. Darrian waited, than heard a loud yell as Alistair found out that the water was not in fact lovely.

Darrian chuckled all the way back to camp. Not a bad night, considering.  

He spread out his bedroll and laid ontop of it. Darrian wasn't aware he had drifted off to sleep until Duncan came to lay besides him, laying his head on the elf's chest and panting loudly, which caused the elf to wake up with a jolt.

"Oh, hey boy." He scratched the mabari behind his ears, and glanced a bit around camp. It was Morrigan's turn for watch, it seemed, and she was sitting by the fire.  The flames cast a glow on her pale skin which caused Darrian to stare for quite awhile. She seemed deep in thought as she tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear and flipped through the pages of the thick tome she had on her lap.  


Darrian watched her til he drifted off the sleep again, and this time he dreamt.  He was back in the Alienage, Shianni and Soris besides him as they talked like they always did. Nesiara appeared, walking up behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck, though when Darrian turned to look at her, her face and form had morphed into Morrigan.  Darrian angled his face up, and Morrigan leaned down to meet his lips with hers when suddenly a loud roar broke the moment and a huge shadow was cast over them. Darrian looked and saw a gargantuan dragon with sickly green eyes and black, tainted skin. Surrounding the dragon were thousand upon thousand of darkspawn and they rushed into the Alienage, cutting down every elf that was in their way. Darrian attempted to fight them off, but soon realized he had left his weapons, and pants, in Lothering.  He could only watch with horror as the horde cut down every member of his family, his friends, than Morrigan.

He woke up screaming as the sun began to rise over the camp site.

"Nightmares?" Alistair asked as he doused the fire.  The others were beginning to stir as well. Duncan licked Darrian's face, his warm brown eyes looking worried as he whimpered.

"Maker, yes." Darrian shook his head, trying to get the image of that dragon out of his
mind. "That dragon.."

"Its the Archdemon." Alistair supplied. "The nightmares will get worse, the longer you're
a Warden, sorry to say."

"Well.. No wonder they don't tell you about it.. No one would join." Darrian sighed. "And the dream started off so well too.." Darrian's gaze fell to Morrigan as she emerged from her tent and stretched. Duncan seemed to sense that she was awake and rushed over to meet her. Luckily, Alistair did not follow Darrian's gaze, or notice the faint blush on the elf's cheeks.

"Yeah.. Some say they have no problems with nightmares." Alistair shrugged. "Doesn't seem like we are that lucky."

"You ever dream you're fighting the darkspawn without pants?" Darrian asked, wanting to brighten the mood as he dragged his gaze away from the witch just as she looked towards him.  He began to dress and pack up his tent.

"Nope. Though it would be a refreshing change. Mostly about the Archdemon stealing my cheese and than eating my face." Alistair smiled.

Darrian made a disgusted face. "Ugh."

"My thoughts exactly."

Camp was packed up quickly, though Leliana avoided speaking to Darrian as the preparations to travel were  made.  The group began their march towards the Frostback Mountains and the Dwarven city of Orzammar. The weather got cooler and cooler as the days went by, and it was a stroke of luck that they met dwarven merchant Bodahn and his son Sandal on the road.  They were able to purchase fur lined cloaks, and the merchant agreed to travel with them, for safety.  It  gave them access to much needed supplies and rumors of what was happening in the world.

During the travels, Darrian had taken up talking to the qunari, finding that the qunari's ideals were interesting even if the elf didn't always agree.  Though Sten didn't seem to want to open up about himself much, he always answered questions. His answers tended to be rather blunt and to the point, which Darrian appreciated though it bothered Morrigan to no end.

Since that night by the lake, Darrian had not been able to keep the witch from his mind.  He was true to his word, and spent many a night in camp talking to her and discussing magic, the Wilds, anything. Things had not progressed past talking, though they tended to sit rather close to each other, and Alistair had even commented about the way Darrian looked at Morrigan.  To which Darrian denied, not very convincingly.

When they arrived at Orzammar's gates, Darrian was surprised to see so many merchants set up around the commons area outside of the gates, each moaning about how Orzammar had shut its gate due to lack of a king.

If they lack a king.. Damn it, I don't have time for this.

"Open up the gates, and tell your assembly that they should side with Regent Loghain!" A shemlen man was harrassing the dwarven guard who stood watch at the heavy iron gates.
"The gates will not open to anyone while Orzammar is without a king." The guard responded in a tone that suggested he had said that very line too many times today.

"The Regent demands.."

"He cannot make demands of us, even if our gates were open."

Darrian made his way up the stone steps to the gate, narrowing his eyes at the shemlen. "You should listen to him. It sounds like you're not getting in."

"You!" The shemlen pointed at Darrian, eyes wide with shock.  He than turned to the dwarven guard. "I demand you cut this man down, he is a Grey Warden and an enemy of the crown!"

The guard did not even honor this with a response, he just crossed his arms over his broad chest and lifted an eyebrow.

"I am tired of all your stupid shemlen spouting lies!" Darrian growled, reaching over and grabbing the shemlen by the front of his shirt and dragging him down to Darrian's level.
"Go back to your regent and tell him that the Grey Wardens survive. And he will not get away with his crimes."

The armored men behind the shemlen began to unsheath their weapons, but paused as they caught sight of Alistair with longsword in hand, Duncan with his teeth bared and growling, Morrigan giving them her superior glare one hand lit in flames,  and Sten with his arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at them.

"Ah..." The shemlen stumbled, looking terrified. "I'll go.. I promise!"

Darrian shoved him away, and the shemlen and his guards hurried away, mumbling hatefully under their breath.

"Thank you stranger." The dwarven guard turned to Darrian. "He had been at it for weeks. I am glad to be free of him. However, I cannot let you-"

The elf cut him off, taking out the appropriate treaty. "I am a Grey Warden. This treaty obligates the dwarves to lend aid against the blight."

The guard took the treaty in his hands and inspected it. "It does bear the seal of the assembly, meaning they are the only one who can address it. Very well, Grey Warden. Welcome to Orzammar." He gave the signal and the iron gates began to slowly creak open.

Darrian could not shake the feeling of foreboding as he and the others stepped through the gates and into the vast dwarven city. The iron gates were locked behind them, and never had Darrian wanted a breath a fresh air more than that moment.
Power of the Ring : Ch. 9

Of Dwarves and Kings

© 2011 - 2024 Myridd
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kitiaramajere's avatar
"Be caught up in the moment over there. "

Liking your warden, and this is well written!